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The 32-Bit Cafe inspired me to setup a forum for my own small community! It started (a while ago) as a private Mastodon instance but it didn’t feel quite right. Being here has made me realize that forums are fantastic for building community. Along with the release, I posted an update to my original vision for my community.




The CC TLD for my country is .us, but why would I bother with that when I can rent a .org instead?

afaik with .US u dont even get whois privacy. so youd be doxing yourself.

That’s true, but I already provide my address and phone number on my website. Having been a published author, my “true name” is already on the internet, so it wouldn’t be hard for somebody to threaten to expose the rest, so I’ve doxxed myself before anybody else can.

So far no harm has come of it. Nobody’s bothered to mail me any anthrax yet, for example. Not even their Stomp 442 album, let alone classics like Among the Living or Persistence of Time. Haven’t gotten any hate mail, death threats, or marriage proposals, either. I’m not even close enough to being important enough for anything of the sort.

Besides, there are countries in Europe that require website operators to publish their addresses on an impressum page if they so much as use Amazon affiliate links, and most of them suffer no ill consequences from such exposure. I expect I’ll be fine unless I draw the attention the brownshirts on Twitter.

Lol. Nah, yo.

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well iceland isnt a small region brits colonized. nor is it politically unstable. .is will stay for a while xD


back in the day, i’d change my domain name every couple of years or so. i’d just set up a redirect to overlap, so i’d probably do that (especially if it’s 5 years!) as soon as it was announced. and make sure to archive the domain before it expires for good.

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if .io indeed dies, yeah there is plenty of overlap giving people enough time to “switch”.

however, nothing guarantees some other cctlds won’t be removed eventually.

and yeah i change my domains quite often too, as i don’t have a stable job, ill wait for one to expire and than get another one for like 1-3$ lol

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A post about being who I am, and why online community was so important for that to happen


Tzom Kal to anyone here who’s fasting!


I’ve been going to the movies lately, and writing about it.

I just finished this as well. I use a terminal as my file manager because graphical file managers don’t always do what I need them to do.


Weekly Wrap Up has been posted! I read some things, found some more DVDs in the bargain bin, watched some shows and have been going to physical therapy.


Wrote down a quick thought about the role of curation: Creation and Curation – Manu


I miss printed magazines. Maybe I’ll order a print issue of an art magazine (or a print of a fanzine or small comic) when I have money to spare.


I like the idea of curation. I like peoples week notes etc where they provide links out to interesting posts/articles they’ve read that week.



this is a pretty personal one, talking about coping mechanisms in relation to trauma and faith… and a physical health issue as well.

the epic highs and lows of being a wizard

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I wrote up how I solved a recent treasure hunt that @arevakhach brought up last week.