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My September Recap:

And having a go at getting back to shorter, not amazing, just things I enjoy posts:

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Much gratitude for soft extending.

Pls, reminder that, as part of Septemberā€™s IndieWeb Carnival, the following post is about suicide and personal struggles:

While I still commend @starbreaker for the bold choice of theme, I had a significantly hard time writing and posting this. And while Iā€™m happy(?) I did. Iā€™m looking forward to an easier topic next. Thank you for the challenge, and the opportunity / excuse to go somewhere I donā€™t think I mightā€™ve taken my blog on my own*


Sorry it was hard for you, and Iā€™m glad you were able to bring yourself to contribute. I saw your post via RSS this morning.

Zinrickyā€™s talking about multilingualism on the web for October 2024, so you should have a much easier time of that than I will. After all, being an American Iā€™m only really fluent in two languages, to paraphrase Corben Dallas from The Fifth Element: English and Bad English.


You also speak fantasy writing and metal

Wrote a quick PSA related to Ko-Fi: A Ko-Fi PSA ā€“ Manu

Thereā€™s a bizarre bug on their end related to payments getting stuck because some extra steps are required on the Stripeā€™s side but that extra step doesnā€™t come up on the Ko-Fi side. On their end they just confirm that everything is in order but then the payment doesnā€™t go through.

And itā€™s doubly odd because it happens to people after the first month. So they subscribe, the first payment goes through smoothly, then the second gets stuck and they donā€™t even get notified that something is wrong and their membership is quietly cancelled the next month.

And since Ko-Fi is used by a bunch of people I thought it was useful to let everyone know about it.

Lure, RƩsumƩ, Detail: The 3-Tier Job Search Cake

Giles Turnbull (recent guest on the lovely People and Blogs) has an idea in his book for presenting information in layers. In a job search, I am the information so I applied the same tactics to my professional identity.


If anyone here studied game design Iā€™d sincerely appreciate an explanation on this book.

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Thanks, but I donā€™t think those of the sort of languages Zinricky had in mind. Likewise for speaking UNIX.

A more lighthearted post on bird watching:


newest post :3


So, last month I ran a blogging challenge for Suicide Prevention Month as part of the IndieWeb Carnival. Hereā€™s the round-up post.


The Weekly Wrap Up has been posted! I started PT, bought a bunch of music on Bandcamp Friday, and did some reading and TV watching. You know, the usual! Also, only one link to share but I think itā€™s kind of cool - all about the chrome lettering you find on old objects.


I was really into cars as a kid and had a book about the huge half chrome boats that roamed the streets back in the 50s :sweat_smile:

It certainly was an interesting time for car styling, one that makes me think they were trying to think of what the future would be without knowing for sure


I started writing a bit about Cohost ending andā€¦ it went places. Did a lot of brainstorming about how I can be more social online. (Maybe shouldā€™ve taken a bit longer to write a better ending, but Iā€™ve always been bad at them and I wanted to get it published before the hurricane arrives.)


iā€™ve shot u an email:) that was such a good read


For this first ever note (the closest thing I have to a blog)ā€¦

I write 15 theories about why socializing is difficult for me and what I could possibly to do make it less difficult.



have kept this one in the drafts for a while but it feels nice (no pun intended) to get it out there :)


Manatee relates to a lot of this. Especially going off on tangents, or not being sure what your opinion on a certain topic even is.

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