Welcome to the 32-Bit Cafe Resources list! This list is to help guide and help those who are in every stage of their web-building journey on the personal web. This list is not meant to overwhelm you, but rather give you options and find tools, graphics, utilities, codes, and everything in between to help get you creating more on the independent web.
Search on this page with Ctrl+F
to find what you’re looking for.
We try to focus our findings on free or low-cost, open-source, independent services, tools, and platforms, although we recommend financially supporting the tools you do use.
Feel free to share this list and get the word out about how easy and fun it is to create your own website and join in this side of the web!
To link to a section, hover over the heading and click the icon that appears.
“Webmastery” and “webweaving” are cool ways to describe web development from a hobbyist standpoint, so we like to use it here. The resources below are meant to be helpful to create your own website.
- Access Guide, a friendly introduction to accessibility
- Accessible Net Directory
- ANDI Accessibility Checker
- Accessible Palette
- Code for Accessible Components
- Color Contrast Tool
- GOV.UK digital personas
- How to describe images, resource to learn how to write better text alternatives
- NVDA, free and open-source screenreader
- Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool (PEAT), test websites and media to identify seizure risks
- The Ultimate Motherfucking Website: A Field Guide for Web Accessibility
- WebAIM Color Contrast Tool
- WAVE Accessibility Browser Extension
- Web Accessibility Checklist
- Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 Quick Reference
- What I’ve Learned About Web Accessibility as a Dyslexic, Sighted, Mouse User
Beginner HTML and CSS Guides
- A Beginner’s Guide to HTML and CSS on Neocities
- The Cave of Dragonflies’ HTML Guide
- CSS Grid Garden, a beginner tutorial for CSS grids
- CSS Flexbox Froggy, a beginner tutorial for CSS flexbox
- david.qa: answers to your creative website questions, with layouts & a website-building quick start guides
- How to Flexbox by @manuelmoreale
- HTML Dog
- HTML for People
- An Interactive Guide to CSS Grid by Josh W Comeau
- Interneting is Hard, a beginner-friendly linear tutorial program
- Make Your Own Website by @ShannonKay
- MelonKing’s Introduction to the Web Revival Guide
- Mozilla’s Web Docs
- How to Structure Your Website Files by @purelyconstructive
- Shark Coder
- W3Schools HTML Tutorial
Beginner Javascript Guides
- Code Maven, an easy interactive tutorial
- Eloquent JavaScript
Beginner Self-Managing & Server Guides
- everything i personally do when hosting a website on a new server
- VPS 101: Renting A Slice of A Computer on the Internet
- A Gentle Guide to Self-Hosting
Free Blogging Platforms, Engines & Static-Site Generators
- Aurora, SSG created by @capjamesg
- Bear Blog, a blogging platform
- Bloggable, blogging platform for any Neocities site (including free accounts!) by @april
- Chyrp Lite, a PHP blogging engine similar to Tumblr
- Dreamwidth, an open-source LiveJournal alternative
- Eleventy, SSG
- Faircamp, Bandcamp platform alternative
- Gatsby, SSG
- HamsterCMS, content management system by @downgrade
- Hugo, SSG
- Jekyll, SSG
- Likho’s microblog.py, microblog generator created by @likho
- Mataroa, a blogging platform
- Melonking’s Gallery Maker, an application that lets you easily create HTML photo galleries
- Midnight.pub, a blogging platform created by m15o
- Pagecord, an easy and minimalist blogging platform by @olly
- Phantomake, SSG created by Osmose
- Pika, a blogging platform similar to BearBlog
- Publii, a beginner-friendly, open-source, all-in-one WordPress alternative
- Simple page builder app, a WYSIWYG editor to export code and upload elsewhere
- Smol.pub, a blogging platform created by m15o
- Soupault, an SSG that doesn’t need templates or front matter
- Statamic, an independent blogging engine similar to WordPress
- Write.as, a minimalist blogging platform
- Write Freely, an open-source simple blogging platform
- Zola, a single-binary SSG
- Zonelets, a blogging engine made for Neocities but can be used everywhere
- Zoner, a drag-and-drop SSG based on Zonelets
Code Generators
- Class Adder Script Writer
- Flexbox Labs
- Gradientor - A minimalist, beautiful Radial Background Generator
- HTML5 Code Generators
- Image Map Maker
- JavaScript/SVG Linear Easing Generator
- nanogallery2 JS Photo Gallery Generator
- Responsive image map maker
- Web Design Assistant Code Generators
CSS Code Generators
- Clippy, a clip-path maker
- Background Generator
- Border Styling Generator
Generator- Boxshadow Generator
- Broider, tool for designing simple embroidery-style CSS borders
- candy.css, CSS library with theme editor
Calculator- CSS Code Generators
- (More) CSS Code Generators
- CSS Code Generator Collection
- (Another) CSS Generator Collection
- Compound Grid Generator
- Custom Scrollbar Generator
- Fluid Type Scale Calculator
- Fluid Space Calculator
- Gradient Generator
- Gradient Text Generator
- Grid Generator
- (Another) Grid Generator
- Image Filter Generator
- Neumorphism Button/Box Shadow Generator
- Transform Generator
Code Snippets
- 30 Seconds of Code’s CSS Snippets
- 33 CSS Radio Examples, copy & paste radio stylings
- 57 CSS Shapes Examples, copy & paste CSS shapes
- 65 CSS Checkbox Examples, copy & paste checkbox stylings
- 92 CSS Button Examples, copy & paste button stylings
- 95 CSS Drop Shadow Examples, copy & paste box shadow stylings
- Bechnokid’s resources, tutorials, and code snippets
- collectibles.js, hide collectibles across your website
- Dynamic Drive: JS & CSS Scripts
- Dantendo DSi Tabs
- Filter divs using JS
- FreeFrontend, over 10,000 code snippets
- Font Selector Code, made by @punkwasp
- Kalechips’ code snippets
- Loveberry
- PageCrypt, password protect a page
- Updating SideBar
- Updating Top Nav Bar
- Retro CSS Frameworks for vintage website styling
- RV’s free Javascript/DHTML effects
- Script to make your site rainbow-coloured on keypress by @rmf
- Scripted
- Shenanigan’s Code Snippets
- SmolCSS
- Solaria’s Web Making Guides
- Wesource
Common Webmastery Issues
- BentoGrid.js
- Block the Bots that Feed “AI” Models Scraping Your Website
- Convert large blocks of text to html code
- Dark Visitors, a list of known AI agents on the internet that you might want to block
- Fine-tuning Text Inputs
- How to Center in CSS
- Mebi’s Eleventy, GitHub, and Neocities Tutorial
- Perfect Responsive Padding
- Prevent Pinterest interacting with your content
- px to rem - use scales to convert a pixel layout to a responsive unit
- Reset CSS Stylesheet to Normalize Styling Across Browsers [alternative: Import Normalize.css]
- Rules of Margin Collapse
- SVG Tutorial - Learn how to code images in HTML with SVG
- Test webpages on different screen resolutions
- What’s Wrong With Your Website? (archive link)
- Responsive Layouts Workshop HTML is responsive by default. Don’t force it to be unresponsive!
Counters & Analytics
- FC2Counter
- GoatCounter, free
- Plausible, paid only
- Statcounter, free and paid tiers
- W3Counter, free tier
Directories & Listings
Current and active directories and website listings for the small web.
- 250KB Club
- 512KB Club
- 1MB Club
- a-website-is-a-room.net
- about ideas now
- Accessible Net Directory
- Art Hive Studio website directory
- The Big List of Personal Websites
- Bloglist Me
- blogroll.club
- Brisray’s Indie Web Directories
- Café Rosé
- Curlie
- Darktheme Club
- Exploring the Personal Web, collection of directories and exploration paths by @arevakhach
- FeDistricts, Districts but for the fediverse
- Hotline Webring (doesn’t accept new members)
- the hyperlink café
- indieblog.page
- Indie Newsletters
- Indieseek.xyz
- i.webthings
- LinkLane.net
- List-Me.com
- melanated
- MelonLand Surf Club
- Moonshot Listings
- Nekoweb Districts
- Neocities Neighborhoods
- nightfall.city
- No CSS Club
- The no-JS Club
- Non-profit bloggers
- ooh! directory
- Peelopaalu Directory
- personalsit.es
- Responsive Web Directory
- Sites with a /now page
- Sites with a /uses page
- Small World
- Smooth Sailing Listings
- The Whimsical Web
- XXIIVV Webring
- Ye Olde Blogroll
- Atabook
- Baccyflap PHP Guestbook
- BellaBook PHP Guestbook
- Bravenet Guestbook
- Grounded Wren’s Guestbook (JavaScript)
- Kalechips’ PHP Guestbook
- Meadow’s Guestbooks
- SmartGB
- Ultraguest
- Website Goodies Guestbook
Hosted Forms
- Formcarry, free tier
- Formkeep, free tier
- FormSubmit
- form.taxi, free tier
- GetForm, free tier
- HeroTofu, free tier
- HeyForm, free tier
- Letterbird, free tier
- Netlify Forms, free tier
- Pageclip, free tier
- Riku Forms, created by m15o
- Smartforms, free tier
- Tally, powerful free tier
- Web3Forms, free tier
Hosted Services for Websites
- Catbox, a file hosting service
- Freeimage.host
- Giscus, comment system powered by GitHub Discussions
- Glitch, code editing software and web-building tools
- HTML Journal, created by m15o
- omg.lol, a variety of services including profiles, weblogs, statuses, and more
- Postimage
- Status.Cafe Status Log, created by m15o
Free Layouts & Themes
- 5493’s Themes
- Almost Sweet’s Layouts
- anemptyblissbeyondthisworld - mobile responsive basic outlines
- Cepheus’ Layouts
- Cinni’s Layouts
- Codesharing Layout & Code Directory
- CreateBlog’s Website Templates
- Dynamicdrive Layouts
- Eggramen’s Layouts
- Fool Lovers Layouts (Use a translator!)
- France’s Layouts
- Houdini’s Layouts
- HTML5 Templates
- HTML Portfolio Template
- Janisites Layouts
- Kalechips Layouts
- Owl’s F2U Website Templates
- Palemomos
- Petrapixel’s layout generator
- Rarebit Webcomic Layout
- Repth’s Layouts
- Ribo.zone’s Layouts
- Sadgrl Premade Templates
- Templaterr’s Layouts
- Teppy’s Layouts
- Tess is a Mess
- Themeking’s Layouts
- Wasp’s website templates
- Wish Glows’ Anime Graphics & Layouts
- Xandra’s Layouts
- Xo’s Premade Layouts, based on decades (90s, 00s, 10s)
- Your Creative Blog Website Tutorials & Freebies
Layout Makers
- Blended HTML Layout Generator
- CSS Layout Generator
- Petrapixel’s Layout Generator
- Sadgrl’s Layout Maker
- Varve’s Layout Maker by @varve
Text Cliques & Clubs
Staff Note: There are a lot of text cliques across the independent web and would be a bit overwhelming to include here. Instead of linking to individual text cliques, these link to collections, directories, and compilations of text cliques.
Free Webhosts
- Codeberg Pages
- Geocities.club
- Github Pages
- HelioHost (free)
- Hot Glue, webhost & visual tool to create websites
- Ichi.city, made by m15o
- InfinityFree (free tier, 5GB, supports PHP and MySQL)
- Leprd.space (application-based, up to 5GB, supports PHP)
- Marigold Town, town-themed webhosting created by @xandra
- mmm.page (free tier, drag & drop web builder!)
- Neocities (free tier, up to 1GB)
- Nekoweb, a free and donation-tier Neocities alternative
- Netlify (generous free tier!)
- Reocities.xyz, a Neocities clone
- Slashpage
- Sourcehut Pages
- Straw.page (free tier, drag & drop web builder!)
- Teacake (free tier, up to 500MB, supports PHP and MySQL) [Applications closed]
- Web 1.0 Hosting, old web hosting with 100MB initially and built-in CMS, created by @downgrade
- W3Schools’ Spaces (free tier, 20MB, 500 hits per month, learn-as-you-go!)
- Yay.Boo, a super-simple, free file uploader to create a website
Paid Webhosts
(Note: It is recommended to avoid EIG Hosting companies, services and brands)
- A2 Hosting (starts at $1.95/month)
- Dreamhost (starts at $2.59/month)
- Hetzner (starts at €2.09/month)
- Hostinger (starts at $2.99/month, with regional pricing for different countries)
- NearlyFreeSpeech (pay-as-you-go)
- Uberspace (starts at €5/month)
Domain Name Registrars
Creating, Managing, and Finding Webrings
- Amolith’s Webring Using Go
- Brisray’s Active Webrings List, created by @brisray
- Dabric’s Linkcircle
- Gray’s JavaScript Webring
- June’s Webring Script
- LibreRing JavaScript Webring
- Linkcircle, a HTML/JS webring solution
- Neocities-Hosted Webrings List
- Onionring JavaScript Webring Widget
- Sadgrl’s JavaScript Webring Tutorial
- Viatrix’s Webring Creation Tutorial Using Github, Jekyll, and Netlify, by @vivivi
- Webri.ng Webring Host & Backend Handler
- Webring Kit Using Eleventy & Netlify
Widgets & Components
- 15+ CSS-Only Music Players
- Adilene’s CSS/JS Music Player
- Ayano’s Neocities Comment Widget
- Chattable, Neocities-built chatbox
- GIFypet
- Grounded Wren’s Controls (including guestbook, gallery, SVG icons, etc.)
- imood, a mood displaying widget
- July’s Music Player
- Kalechips’ Website Directory Manager using PHP
- Komments, simple comment widget
- Neko Mouse Chaser
- Pollcode, a poll widget
- Portfiend’s Flashing Lights Warning
- SCM Music Player Widget
- Solaria’s Simple Javascript/CSS Jukebox
- Tamanotchi
- caniuse.com, a resource that tells you what browser versions certain HTML and CSS elements are supported in
- Glossary of Web Revival Terms
- HTML Cheatsheet
- HTML documentation
- List of CSS Properties
- List of CSS Default Values
These are resources relating to graphics, graphic design, or creating art.
Browser-Based Graphic Editors
- 88x31 Pride Badge Generator
- blinkies.cafe
- Cloudpaint
- Dither images in different styles
- Dithermark
- Dither it!
- EZGif Gif Editor/Maker
- Flaming Text Generator
- GigaGlitter Text Generator
- Hekate’s 88x31 Button Maker
- JS Kidpix
- JS Paint
- Local PaintBBS
- Lospec Pixel Art Scaler
- Lynn’s 88x31 Button Maker
- Mastershot’s Actually Free No Watermark Browser Video Editor
- Metamapper Generate Windows 95 Graphics
- Monopro (Use a translator!)
- Online-Image-Editor (Add glitter to photos)
- Photopea, online Photoshop alternative
- Piskel Sprite Editor
- Pixilart Pixel Art Editor
- Pixlr Web Editor
- Seamless background maker
- Cave of Dragonflies Quiz Maker
Color Palettes
- Colorhexa
- Colormind
- ColorSpace
- Color Theory for Beginners
- CoMiGo’s palette generator
- Coolors.co
- Dracula Color Palette
- HEXWORDS, find HEX colors for words
- Image Color Picker for getting hex codes from colors on images
- Lospec Palette List
- Open Color open-source color scheme
- Poline, esoteric color palette generation library
- Shadowlord, tints and shades generator tool
- Tint and Shade Generator
Graphic Generators
Free Graphics & Website Materials
- 88x31 Buttons
- 99GIF Shop
- Allyratworld Materials
- Architextures
- Artwork
- Betty’s Graphics
- Bonnibel’s Graphic Collection
- Cannelle
- Catch a Star [archived]
- ClickArt 300,000 Images & Clip Art
- Cluster (archive link)
- Cocktail Princess
- CSS3 Patterns Gallery
- da-lace
- Digital Ad Archive
- The Doll Archive
- Dokodemo’s Graphics
- Elfwink’s Pixels
- Engram Pixel
- Ethereal Goat
- Fool Lovers
- Frank-web
- free-backgrounds.com
- GifCities
- Glitter-Graphics and More
- Graphxkingdom
- GRSites Textures
- Hillhouse
- Hexed Pixels
- Ichigo Directory
- Ishimori
- Jasmine Feng
- King-Lulu-Deer
- KiraKira Parts
- Lapin Agile
- Lovesick.Cafe
- Lulu in Cyberspace
- Luna’s F2U Goodies
- Maguro’s Carrd
- Microsoft Clipart Archive Search
- Middlepot
- Milkshake Skies
- The Noun Project
- Ohpixels
- Old school Graphics
- Open Source Vector Icons - gcons
- Openverse, 700mil+ openly licensed images, audio, & more
- Pastelhell
- Pixel-Diary
- Pixel Safari
- Pixel-Soup
- Pokyaron
- Prismatic Realm’s Graphics & Ads
- Queen’s Free World
- Rachychel
- Raw Pixel
- Rose’s Rose Garden
- Sadtheme’s Pixels
- Sanguineroyal
- SleepySprout Sozai
- Strawberry Bunny
- Subtle Patterns
- Tabler Icons
- Taylor’s Tiny Backgrounds
- Texture Town
- Transparent Textures
- Twice the Pixels
- web*citron
- Websets by Lynn
- Whimsical
- xo’s rummage bin
- XYZ’s Carrd
- Yasuragian
Pixel Cliques & Clubs
Here is an ongoing list of active pixel clubs and cliques across the web that have either been created or revived from an older age of the internet. Unsure about what this is?
- Afternoon Tea
- Bottlecaps
- Bunny Garden
- Chao Garden
- Charm Bracelets
- Charmy Pets
- Compact Crayons
- Creatures Inside
- Dream Team
- Eau De Parfum Parlor
- Fizzy Vendor
- The Hatchery
- Hall of Rock
- Hold My Hand
- Jar Jams
- Kindness Rocks
- Kitty Friends
- Lava Lounge
- MDClique
- Nyanbo
- Objets
- PANTSON Color Club
- Pill Pals
- Pill Party
- Pixel Potluck
- Pixelbill
- Pocket Town
- RPG Club
- Sticker Sheet Club
- Teeny Towers
Placeholder Images
- Dynamic Dummy Image Generator
- FPOImg.com - easy, minimal placeholders
- Generative Placeholder Images
- Lorem Picsum
- Placeholder Pics
Free Stock Images & Illustrations
- FreeImages
- LibreShot.com, high resolution stock photos released to the public domain (CC0 1.0 Universal)
- LookAndLearn.com, 1 million historical public domain images and collections
- Pexels
- Pixabay
- Unsplash
- Wikimedia Commons
- Wikimedia Commons Free Media Resources: Photography
Utilities & Programs
These are utilities, programs, and helpful tools that can help make your life easier when it comes to computing, webmastery, and other computer-related hobbies.
Webweaving Utilities
- Bookmarklet that adds the “contenteditable” attribute to literally every element on the page for easy testing
- Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds
- Copy + paste kaomoji
- Dead Link Checker
- Generate a Timestamp
- GTmetrix, shows how fast your site loads and gives recommendations on how to improve load times
- Pixels Converter for CSS Sizing
- RSS Box, for subscribing to websites that don’t have RSS feeds
- Smooth Gradient Sass Function
- Tiny Helpers, single-use tools for web developers
- Unicode Text Converter
- Unicode Text Generators
Image & Art Utilities
- birme, bulk image resizing made easy
- Caesium Image Compressor
- Eat My Art, easily turn hand-drawn art into GIFs
- Image Scrubber, online image EXIF data/metadata remover
- Remove backgrounds from images
- Squoosh Image Optimizer
- TinyPNG Image Compressor, web-based
- Toyls.com, a seamlsess background tile tester
Social Media Utilities
- CobyCat’s Pimp My SpaceHey Code Generator
- Heath’s SpaceHey Layout Generator
- How to Run Your Own Social Media
- StreetPass for Mastodon
Retro Utilities & Programs
Typefaces & Fonts
- 1001 Fonts
- Beautiful Webtype, in-depth guide to the best free fonts
- Bunny Fonts
- coolLabs Fonts, a Google Fonts CDN replacement
- Font End Dev
- Fontpair, curated font pairings
- Fontspace, 130k+ free fonts
- Fontspring, worry-free fonts
- Font Squirrel
- fonts.upset.dev, a Google Fonts CDN replacement
- Free Japanese Font
- Google webfonts helper, a helper service for self-hosting Google fonts
- Humantooth’s Hosted Web Fonts
- Inclusive fonts, free or inexpensive readable fonts
- Kreative Korp Relay Fonts
- Modern Font Stacks, list of font stacks that leverage system fonts for speed, with CSS snippets
- The Best of Creative Lettering
- The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack
- Typetester Typesetting Tool
- Urban Fonts
- Velvetyne Type Foundry
Password Managers
Other Software & Utilities
Independent Web Alternatives
These are alternative projects, web services, and replacements for the corporate web, corporate services, or Big Tech.
selfh.st has a giant directory of active self-hosted (typically free) apps that is a good resource to use.
Analytics Alternatives
- Insights.io, free tier up to 3,000 pageviews/mo
- Plausible, self-hosted version is free
- Simple Analytics, free tier
- Umami, free tier up to 100,000 pageviews/mo
Creativity Tools & Programs
- Blender, 3D creation suite
- Every tool you could want to edit images in bulk
- Firealpaca, digital painting software
- GIMP Image Manipulator Program, an open-source Photoshop alternative
- HandBrake Video Transcoder
- Kdenlive, video editing software
- Krita Graphics Editor
- Libresprite, open-source fork of Aseprite (pixel art program)
- Mixx DJ Software
- OpenToonz 2D Animating Software
- Owncast, a self-hosted livestreaming service
- Paint.NET
- Schism Tracker Music Creator
- Shutter Encoder, free and open-cource video, audio and image converter software
eCommerce Alternatives
- Artisans Cooperative, an Etsy alternative
- Ecwid, a free Shopify alternative
- Mushroomy, a cute, by-artists, for-artists storefront platform & Etsy alternative
- Snipcart, a JS shopping cart and checkout system that works with any website or page
- Thirty Bees, a free, open-source Shopify alternative
Email Newsletter Software
- Beehiiv, free tier up to 2,500 subscribers
- Plunk, free tier up to 1,000 emails/mo or free self-hosting
- Keila, free self-hosted option
- Letterloop, $5/mo and friends- and family-focused
- Listmonk, free and self-hosted
- Mailtrain, free and self-hosted
- SendPortal, free self-hosted email marketing/newsletter management
Productivity Tools & Programs
- Alternative Internet List, a collection of networks, software, and technology aiming at re-decentralizing the Internet
- Etherpad, a Google Docs alternative
- Framasoft Software’s De-Google-ify the Internet, a collection of homegrown Big Tech alternatives
- Goblin Tools, a collection of small, simple, single-task tools, mostly designed to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find overwhelming or difficult
- Grow Your Own Services
Search Engines
- Creative Commons Media Search
- feedle, a search engine for blogs and podcasts
- Gibiru
- Kagi Search
- Marginalia
- Mwmbl
- Old’aVista (archive link)
- Public Work, a search engine of copyright-free images
- SearchMySite
- SearX
- Stract
- Wiby.me
- Yep
Other Service Alternatives
- Album Whale, a music recommendations platform
- Bookshelf Town, a smol book-reading tracker
- Ko-Fi, a donation service
- Record Club, a music discovery platform
Service Proxies and Frontends
- BreezeWiki, allows you to view Fandom wiki pages without the bloat or ads
- FreeTube, a privacy-focused desktop client for YouTube
- Invidious, a lighter-weight YouTube frontend
- NewPipe, an alternative mobile YouTube client for Android
- Piped, an alternative YouTube frontend
- Scribe, a Medium link alternative
- Crawlspace, multimedia writing and art that experiments with the web
- Ctrl+V
- elpis, a small web zine by @downgrade
- HTML Review
- Iffy Books Zines about hacking, free culture, gardening
- Melonland Surf Club E-Zine
- Solarpunk Magic Computer Club Zines (archive link)
- Welcome to the Personal Web by Manatee
- Wizard Zines, zines about programming (some free) plus posters and interactive playgrounds
- Zine machine, read
online or
print out,
cut, and
fold to create a physical copy.
Remix and write your own zine!