šŸ“ Blogroll: Share your blog posts!

Iā€™m never quite sure if I should pimp my blog posts here or not. Iā€™m not putting my own stuff down but I just blog about what Iā€™m watching or reading and what Iā€™ve done the past week (which is usually but not always just working and then watching or reading stuff). So many of you write such wonderful, in-depth, well-researched and well thought out articles! Itā€™s more like ā€œone of these is not like the othersā€ :upside_down_face:

Anyway, I have my Weekly Wrap Up 08 posted. I read some stuff, watched some shows and, just to spice things up, bought a bunch of stuff this past Bandcamp Friday.


please do! blog posts are such a wide range, itā€™s so nice to see the breadth of what it could be for all types of folks!


yesterday i started officially dating my incredible and amazing and beautiful girlfriend! so i wrote a blog post about that!!

may 6th 2024: girlfriend


Please donā€™t feel like your blog posts need to ā€œmeasure upā€ to anything! We all are here blogging for fun :heart:


This time, I did something I donā€™t usually do - write about the nature of the Internet itself.


Oh, donā€™t worry. I shitpost on my website, too.


another thing to add: blog posts dont need to be long and consice!

you can write only one paragraph and call it a day, if you feel like you said everything you felt like saying


Itā€™s always fun to learn about the food & drink brands available in different countries. The herbal flavour sounds interesting!

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Adding another comment here that I enjoy all the styles of posting here. While I donā€™t yet blog I take inspiration from all of you about the topics you choose to write about. I see great value in just writing about your day or a new snack you tried out. I like to think of it as kind of like ā€œslice of lifeā€ posting. I honestly love some of the shorter posts people have put here about little snippets of their day or new experiences!


yessss this is such a great blog post! Iā€™m gonna link to it from my site.

As someone who is very offline, I sometimes advocate being very offline to friends & get this look of FOMO from them like, if theyā€™re not online then theyā€™ll be Cut Off From Everything. But as you say, the idea that Everything is on the internet participates in the profound vanishing of anything which is not online.

One you donā€™t explicitly mention: not everyone is online.

As of 2019, almost 1/5 of Britons report that they do not use the internet - predominantly older people. 40% of those earning less than Ā£12,500 do not go online[1]

And Britain is a comparatively prosperous place, on a global scale. So if youā€™re imagining that anything and anyone worth knowing is online - huge chunks of people and their perspectives just donā€™t exist to you.

(& I also think about this whenever I critique Spotify and people are like, ā€˜but it has everythingā€™. It certainly does Not have everything, it just disappears anything it doesnā€™t have)

[1] - 'Almost one-fifth of Britons ā€˜do not use internetā€™ 9 September 2019 by Mark Ward

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ohhh you should definitely share your thoughts if your thoughts are about DISCO :star_struck: Cowley is so good, School Daze is a great album.

Iā€™m actually writing a thing atm about how to relearn to access music online, the importance of a music blogging ecosystem. only by writing about what we are listening to (watching, reading, etc) can we outcompete the idea you ā€˜mustā€™ engage with algorithmic recommendation systems.

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Sorry to be pedantic, but a one-paragraph blogpost can be concise. If a post is concise itā€™s because it expresses a lot in few words.

I wrote this a few weeks ago, but I hope it interests you. I was thinking the past few months about the fast paced nature of some media. As well as what the aftermath of grinding on social media felt like (as a creative), and where the future could potentially be at.

Intentional-ism, The Fast Fashion-ification of Media, What it Means to be Human, and Much More!


Just bashed this out today.


smh. even if its inconcise, thatā€™s still valid.
im trynna get people to blog here

Yeah, a blog post can be as long or as short as you want it to be. It can just be a picture (ideally with alt text) if you want.


i think youā€™re missing that starbreaker was just correcting your word choice, not disagreeing with what you were saying. :) concise is short and made your sentence a lilā€™ confusing. you essentially said, ā€œblog posts donā€™t need to be long and short!ā€

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ahh makes sense! my bad

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I like this idea and I look forward to reading it!

Itā€™s OK. Like I had said, I was being a bit pedantic.