šŸ“ Blogroll: Share your blog posts!

See, I kind of struggle with the oppositeā€“being concise, that is. I write way too many sentences in general and always want to add ALL the details. I feel like I probably drive people away with my big walls of text, lol.

Just threw up a blog post thatā€™s mostly images, about some Artist Trading Cards Iā€™ve been making:


Itā€™s OK to be prolix, especially in a rough draft. You can always cut things down in revisions.

Also, itā€™s generally not a good idea to revise while drafting. Itā€™s like trying to polish a turd before youā€™ve squeezed the whole thing out.

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Not to get off topic, but not allowing workers to sit is inhumane. It really needs to change. <3


bosses and leaders get to sit, but us regulars do not. u get to sit in shared kitchen during break time and if you lie u need to go to bathroom (i put the lid down and sit for a few mins)

Still chugging along for WeblogPoMo, I wrote about Solarpunk


Hereā€™s something I wrote last week about an old book I found.

And hereā€™s me griping about the upcoming election. Discourse is still pulling the old summary for some reason.


I added a point about that to my article + a point about lost works created a long time and a point about works whose author decided not to share because they were trivial.


Itā€™s Weekly Wrap Up 9! Shorter entry since I didnā€™t get to it until late but I watched some movies and played some games.


I spent Saturday night thinking about consciously choosing to believe, and how ridiculous it is that some people think that reading the Bible can lead somebody to faith when it led me away from it ā€“ especially when Christianity is so frequently misused in the US as an apologetics for tyranny.


Iā€™ve added a few more posts. Theyā€™re all about webcraft for a change.


Thatā€™s a neat way to rethink footnotes - I like it!

Thanks, and one of my examples now has a cat to prove that you can put anything in an <aside> ā€“ including a cat.


Hereā€™s something that isnā€™t tech or something depressing like religion or politics.

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Itā€™s Sunday so time for the Weekly Wrap Up 10. As usual I talk about what I watched and read but also about wind phones, cell phones and an ultimately disappointing quest for graphics.


Caffeine doesnā€™t, or barely works for me. I could quite literally drink one, and go to sleep. They to me, just taste good. All energy drinks do. But especially the white monster (and pink one too, pipeline punch do be good).

I only drink Monster for the caffeine, and Iā€™ve been making my own energy drinks instead. Nothing but cold-brewed matcha tea with honey, ginger, and cinnamon. Itā€™s not necessarily healthier, but it seems cheaper since I can get the matcha for $20 and it lasts at least 4 months.

I forgot to prep a coldbrew last night so I ended up making a green tea slushie this morning instead. Works pretty well, except it can be hard to suck up the last of the slush with a straw. Might add more water.

If I die, I die. Why should I forbid myself comforts for perceived ā€œhealthā€? Itā€™s pointless. Maybe Iā€™m just biased, as a picky eater but whatevs.

I know this song pretty well myself. I call it, ā€œItā€™s my funeral and Iā€™ll die if I want toā€. (My wife hates it, especially when I break out the falsetto to sing it properly.) And what you call ā€œgirl dinnerā€ I call ā€œbachelor chowā€.

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we used a Numbers Milestone as an excuse to do a q&a!! it was pretty fun. usually we donā€™t care about numbers and followers and viewcounts, but we had been itching to do a q&a thingy for a while and the numbers in question were wonderful multiples of 5, which made me very happy.

the actual blog post is here lol


I already made this blog post yesterday, Iā€™m a mess, itā€™s just been how Iā€™ve been feeling after I was gone for months

Burnout And Social Interaction


I posted a long form blog for the first time in like 5 monthsā€¦ explaining why I havenā€™t been posting blogs. LOL! Itā€™s funny because I read the article linked in the community guidelines here about toxic positivity, and thatā€™s what made some things click. TL;DR Iā€™m mindful of avoiding invalidating others but I never thought about how this mindset could impact myself on an intrapersonal level.