a couple of questions here about an idea that i’d like to take up after being a bit disappointed with what’s currently out there. this would also be a good way to keep folks up-to-date on what’s going on with the community, as well as good reminders as to what we’re trying to do here. :)
our newsletter would include:
community updates, including any announcements and launches
discourse-specific updates
most popular thread of the month
questions of the week
calls for volunteers for projects listed on the discourse
upcoming events
blog posts, either written by 32BC members or outside the community, that talk about the personal web and subjects related to our community mission
outside of these, we could potentially highlight a member of the month’s website. what do you think? is there anything else you’d want to see?
that being explained, here are a couple of questions for you:
1. would you sign up for a 32-bit cafe email newsletter?
2. what frequency would you most enjoy an email newsletter?
bimonthly (every two weeks)
thank you so much in advance! we’ll keep you posted on any updates.
I love this idea! I follow various newsletters, and one for a large website that is weekly, and I think it’s a great way to stay in touch and get reminders.
When it comes to forums or small webpages, sometimes I can forget to check back in on them over time. A newsletter can help spotlight notable posts and events, without spoiling everything that is happening in the community. (the issue some sites have with RSS feeds when used constantly)
I voted for monthly frequency. I am a bit biased, but I think it’s a good ratio for the current size of the community, and could always change in the future if things grow bigger.
As for it existing, I don’t think it’s an obligation for anyone to read it. Anyone that is frequent on the forum would be able to read the topics and news in the forum itself, it’s more for people who want to stay in touch in a different format.
I might be a minority in this regard, but my engagement in various communities goes on and off. What I’ve noticed that I tend to keep more connected to the ones that have low effort entry options for keeping up date (at least somewhat).