share your desktop / home screen!

I think this is XFCE? I can’t remember it has been awhile since I’ve used it myself. But I have to say it is quite a refreshing look with the darker panel if that is XFCE. I was always used to seeing it in a more default grey appearance

it’s MATE but a similar look can be done with XFCE

Ah okay, that makes sense! Thank you for letting me know

I change mine up all the time, on win 11 right now but in the process of switching back to EndevourOS

They are animated and the main monitor included some ambient sounds when on the desktop or when nothing else is playing audio. Im using Wallpaper engine.

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I found a nice photo of succulents. :slight_smile:


So you know that miiverse “yeah!” button recreation I made not too long ago?

Well I made a wallpaper using that! The pattern is based off the 2013 version of the miiverse site. (I hid my desktop icons because good lord it’s messy and it would’ve obscured the wallpaper.) :yb_sad:

I’m still very much a big fan of the color green. :green_heart:


Just the other day I tried switching back to Hyprland after having a less than usable experience back in November. It’s been night and day - all the issues I was having previously are nowhere to be found.

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I’ve recently reinstalled all of my operating systems after a hardware upgrade. Decided to give KDE Plasma a try after being an i3 user for a few years. I only have so much patience for learning something that lacks discoverability, so I only got i3 about 2/3rds of the way there and found it super annoying to customize. I do not care enough to want to make the decision of which status bar to use, or what launcher to use, what compositor to use.

While I prefer keyboard driven workflows–they often lack the discoverability a settings menu has. It has been very easy and satisfying to customize the look and feel of Plasma–not to mention it’s already quite the looker out of the box. Have catppuccin theming everything and it’s easy. Also if you haven’t heard of catppuccin it’s the color scheme and people have ported it everywhere. All of your favorite text editors, terminals, browsers, chat apps, have had catppuccin grafted over them. It’s awesome having a unified look for almost every UI I look at.

My troubles is I’m used to tiling, and Plasma’s tiling is pretty dogshit. The kwin scrips available for Plasma 6 are also a sorry excuse for it as well. PowerToys on Windows is nicer to use than anything available for Plasma.

I’m probably going to have install i3 on top of Plasma. I miss it so dearly, but Plasma is so pretty and easy :(

I am not looking forward to the keyboard shortcut and integration hell that awaits.

also i love nanachi and am ready to die for them

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Plasma 6 has a lot of nice things about it. But I think there’s some new thing introduced that need time to bake, but it is exciting times to be a Plasma user I think

That’s what I’ve been hearing. Apparently there was an amazing kwin script for tiling in plasma 5, but the author abandoned it around 7 months ago when plasma 6 came out. ¯_(ツ)_/¯, ah well. I need to do something though. not being able to control windows well with a keyboard is killing me.

Man, hyperland looks really pretty. Going through the hall of fame of beautiful computing environments is making me want to jump ship before I get too cozy with KDE.

I’m a person that likes to keep the desktop clean, so here it is:

My phone is similar (even the background is the same :grin:)


Wow! There’s so many cool layouts here! I just recently got my laptop so I have the wallpaper still set to alternate between preset images. This is what it looks like right now!

I already downloaded some games and programs I plan to use!