Why blog if nobody reads it?

You’re not just writing for today’s invisible audience. You’re writing for:

  • Future you. Your posts become a time capsule of your evolving mind.
  • One right person. Maybe one day, someone stumbles across your words at exactly the right moment. And that changes something for them.
  • The work itself. Consistency beats virality. A hundred posts with depth will outlast a single viral hit.



I agree! And as someone who is thinking about blogging more long term, what I want to capture sometimes is my journey through a thing. For example, my journey of exploring the indie Web, or my journey on my relationship to AI and how it evolves.

It’s probably going to be dead boring to the majority of existence. But maybe it’ll resonate / affect a few people. Or maybe it gets 0 views forever. Either way the purpose is to be a witness to my journey, and that goal is accomplished.


Walk the neighborhood,
Camera in hand, seeking
The flowering trees.

– A haiku I wrote long ago, in another lifetime


Felt. I don’t think anyone reads my blog- if someone does, they’ve never said anything, which is also fine if that’s the case. I’ve always wanted a diary but never been able to keep one. I update my blog pretty infrequently, but it’s as close as I’ve ever gotten to a consistent diary, and I do enjoy going back and reading the old entries.

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