What RSS Readers do you use?

I’m new to RSS, and was wondering what RSS readers do you use?

I’ve tried a few of the popular options, but I’m not really sure which is good.

A lot of the ones I’ve seen lock having more than a few feeds behind a paywall. I understand why, but that kind of defeats the purpose for me. I want to be able to follow various creators, not 3 to 5. And you don’t see social media capping how many accounts you can follow. (or if they do I haven’t seen it yet)

Let me know if you have any thoughts or newbie friendly tips to add!


I use our FreshRSS instance!


You could set it up yourself, but I just pay the $15 USD yearly subscription for hosting. It offers a (way too short imo) 15 day trial. You login at reader.miniflux.app

I like that it’s just a site I login into, automatically synced as a result via all my devices, but most of all I like its look and feel. Consider giving it a look. At $1.25 USD a month (currently), I’m happy with it.

But, yea, I understand free being hard to beat.

EDIT: I’m sure if you emailed / reached out to the creator, they’d be more than willing to extend the trial. That’s just my assumption though.

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I’m just using Thunderbird, since I usually read from only a single device (my desktop PC) and refresh every other day at most

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Same! 32-Bit Cafe’s FreshRSS instance allows me to sync and read my feed subscriptions on multiple devices.


Feedly is the reader I use. Honestly can’t remember why I chose it in the first place over anything else but it does its job and is apparently allowing as many feeds as I want (I’m up to 15 so far).

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I use Feeder on my phone:

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I self host FreshRSS to manage my feeds. I use the web interface on desktop, laptop and phone…

I use Net News Wire in iPad

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I use Thunderbird. More specifically a fork called Betterbird.
I have it start up every time I boot my PC so I can start my day by checking my RSS feeds, any newsgroup activity and of course my email inboxes.


Thanks for the replies so far! Will check them out!

I also use a self-hosted freshrss (with the help of yunohost for hosting), connected to the software newsflash for GNOME ( Newsflash – Apps for GNOME ) on my computers to use a native interface (but I also use a bit the web interface, especially on phones).

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