Stamps? 88"x31" buttons? 80"×15" buttons? Banners? Pixel art?
What graphics collections do you like to display on your webpage, and why? How do you go about choosing and organizing them?
Stamps? 88"x31" buttons? 80"×15" buttons? Banners? Pixel art?
What graphics collections do you like to display on your webpage, and why? How do you go about choosing and organizing them?
I collect blinkies, buttons, and stamps!
Blinkies I organize by topic, stamps also by topic, and buttons I separate. General buttons are also organized by topic, but buttons for people’s websites are in a different section organized by color :3 maybe one day I’ll make a more curated button list for sites and why I like them ^^
Blinkies tend to be things I like or things that are funny to me. Buttons are similar, including Internet opinions and uses (ex. Privacy and piracy). Site buttons are generally ppl I’ve followed on neocities plus a few others. Stamps tend to be more generally political bc I started collecting them on deviantart as a teen a few are aesthetic or silly.
I’d like to start collecting pixel art but haven’t yet. I’d probably organize those by subject and size. Flowers would definitely be a subject id collect >:3
I collect pixel art, 88x31 buttons for personal website and site directories, and 100x50 fanlisting buttons.
Pixel art works are organised by the artist’s name in alphabetical order, with pixel cliques, clubs and events getting their own sections. 88x31 site buttons are grouped by the name of the website or its owner in alphabetical order. 100x50 fanlisting buttons are grouped by topic.
a n y t h i n g… for better or worse. Most of it is just saved in one big mess on my pc, but I have some buttons and such on my stuff page. It’s really very early in its infancy so far, though. In the future I may make a color-coordinated sorting thingy, or something. It’s something I really should figure out…
I collect all sorts of graphics! Including 88x31 buttons, blinkies, stamps, LiveJournal-style icons, 80 x 15 buttons and pixel art of all sizes!
I collect my favorites, and ones that I think I might use at a later date, and put them all together on my site’s graphics page! They’re not really organized in one way or another, really, except loosely by “day saved” (from oldest to newest). I also try to group similarly-sized graphics together. (For example, if I have 3 stamps and 6 blinkies to add, I’ll group the 3 stamps together, then the 6 blinkies together.)