finally took the time to code the neat lil dynamic OG image
heres an example, since i dont have anything new ill leave one of my posts:
finally took the time to code the neat lil dynamic OG image
heres an example, since i dont have anything new ill leave one of my posts:
I woke up and my ‘theme’ hurt my eyes lmao, so I switched it to a more grunge style with muted ‘dirty’ colors, and managed to add a small gif! I also started messing with stuff on bear blog, not anything drastic quite yet.
I made my first-ever attempt at a CSS stylesheet. I broke it.
I’m pretty sure I know what I did wrong, but fixing it will have to be a tomorrow job.
This was last evening for me, but it’s still the same day somewhere in the world, right? In a spurt of inspiration, I completely redid the static part of my site, from a landing page with almost no text to a proper sitelet with fresh looks, that says something for a change and can be easily extended. So. Proud. Now it feels right. But damn, my muse had too much coffee yesterday.
Creating a space on my homepage for navigation overflow. You might call it an index of my website.
Good work, fLaMEd! As for me, after neglecting it for too long, then moving it around repeatedly, I finally found a good home for my smallest, cutest links page, Nosy Cat Studios: Wonderfully weird web – enjoy!
I am proud to report I fixed the CSS style sheet. (Newbie tip: if you write it internally first and then copy-paste, don’t copy-paste the tags.)
I’m geeked that I not only fixed it but accurately diagnosed the problem. LEARNING!
I added a very simple colophon/meta page, plus my first collection: a record of what my spouse and I listen to on our Music Mondays.
Inspired by this post by @sandcat, I have added examples of my traditional art to my website here. Thanks, El!
Bunch of things today:
I’m not sure exactly if this counts, but I did a writing prompt from yesterday.
added some rate limiting!
those are the limits
every min: 58-60 rq
every 5m: 291 -300 rq
every 1h: 2793-2880 rq
this would make it ~0.92 rq/s which should be fair if ur not spammy
here’s it in action: so you can see how it looks like without trying to actually trigger a rate limit
I published the second of my Indieweb/Fediverse/Cybersecurity newsletter series “Scrolls”. I also added some other links and such in various pages across the site.
It’s been a busy past week for me in fact, really getting back into writing for my site. I think in the past 7 days I’ve published like 12 things
I love the scrolls newsletter
It was only supposed to be a little /AI page, I swear…
(I also made some pixel icons for the nav bar)
I agree with all of this. As I wrote on my own AI page:
The whole point of this website and my fiction is that it is my work, done my way. Nor did I spend decades developing what writing craft I possess so that I might let a mere computer act as my ghostwriter.
As @arevakhach might tell you, I have my pride, and make of that deadly sin a cardinal virtue.
Oh that was beautiful!
Just redid my layout with some explanation here. I’m constantly playing with permanence on the web, especially since I like having my own home for what I write while thinking the idea that so many of our thoughts are just out there to be found has a certain element of unhealthiness.
Added a category on called “shitty old camera” for posts with images or video from my s.o.c.
I helped a girl from our community with a template, now it looks like this
some parallax