What development workflow/editors do you use?

I’m trying to figure out a workflow for making changes to my site that’s more than just using the built in editor on nekoweb. I was thinking of going with vscode and using the cafe git to host a repo to stage changes then push them to nekoweb once I’m happy. I want to know how other people work on their sites and what tools yall use.

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I’m using pretty much the type of workflow you’ve described. I believe it’s quite standard in development circles.

  • I work locally on my files in [Codium[(https://vscodium.com/).
  • I commit my files to my repo on Github.
  • On a push to the main branch an Action kicks in and builds and deploys my site with rsync over ssh to my server.

Works well :)


My workflow is also similar: a combination of Visual Studio Code, Git and GitHub to deploy my website, specifically to Netlify, which supports projects being directly deployed from GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket repositories.

Write code and preview the changes in Visual Studio Code, push commits once I am satisfied with the changes, then sync changes to my GitHub repository, which in turn automatically deploys to Netlify.

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I have two separates workflows depending on what I need to do.

For structure changes I edit on a local version (ST4 + MAMP + CodeKit) I then push to a private repo on Github that contains everything but the content of the site and my server is set up to do automatic deployment (Hetzner VPS + Runcloud).

So it’s edit → save → commit → push → goes live automatically

If it’s content I usually write using iA writer on both mac and iphone, I then throw everything into grammarly for a quick check and then I log into my admin interface and copy paste.


I use GNU Emacs and git, and my site’s repository lives on Sourcehut.

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i use EditPlus not only for website development, one program is enough for me for all occasions

I use a very similar method: VSCode, GitLab, and Netlify. But I make my “build on GitLab & publish to Netlify” step manual, since I don’t trust myself to not accidentally push something I’m not ready to publish. So I go on to the GitLab website and start my pipeline manually.

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I edit locally with Neovim and test using Hugo’s built-in HTTP server. Cloudflare Pages handles the rest after I push a git commit.

Reading everybody’s responses made my day better. Because I figured out the same workflow :grin:!
I code in Vscode, commit and push to GitHub, and then I use a GitHub’s Action called Deploy to Neocities to automatically deploy to Neocities.
I also use an extension in Vscode, called Live server, set up for me to test my site before committing.

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We’re secretly all nerds (:

Jokes aside I think if one’s tech savvy enough the local → repo → server is quite a convenient setup when everything is fully automated. Especially if it’s easy to set up.

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I don’t make a secret of it. Kinda hard to when the name on my driver’s license is on two novels involving emo androids or swashbuckling soprano catgirls dealing with government corruption and demons from outer space. =^.^=


Nice, I’ve switched to Typora as they have both a Mac and Linux client. I also check my writing with Grammarly as I tend to copy paste paragraphs around my document to re-order things I sometimes overlap :sweat_smile:

I edit locally with Sublime Text, generate my static site with Jekyll, then upload it to a VPS with rsync. Nothing super crazy for now.

Oh my. I have a feeling this may turn out to be a longish post. I don’t really have a fixed workflow, I’ve been doing this long enough, I’ll use anything I can get my hands on to do what I want. I use Windows on all my computers including the “Server in the Cellar” I run my sites on. I use the entire Adobe Creative Suite - that may change once my old employer realizes I have retired and revokes my license to use it.

Generally speaking, I write the pages in Adobe Dreamweaver on my laptop. I use WinSCP to transfer the files to my server which runs Bitvise SSH Server, which is free for personal use.

I use a mixture of new and some very old software to do what I do. I check my sites using the tools on https://brisray.com/web/utilities.htm to check the certificates are working, acessability, availability, loading times and all the rest. Other than those, here’s a list of what I mainly use to produce the websites:

Apache Web Server to serve the site. As I use Windows I use the pre-compiled versions from either Apache Haus (now on hold) or Apache Lounge. For the SSL certificates I use Certbot to get them from Let’s Encrypt. DNS, email etc. comes from DNSExit.

APIs - Fancybox, Google Visualizations, Knight Labs

Artwork - Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, but I also use Dia (FOSS) and Inkscape (Free)

Audio - Audacity

Link Checking - Xenu’s Link Sleuth (Free) - last updated in 2010 but still works. I have long exceeded the limits of the free Screaming Frog

Page Editing - Adobe Dreamweaver, but I’ll use anything that I’ve got to hand Notepad, Notepad++ and so on.

Scripting and Coding - Powershell ISE and Visual Studio Code with the Perl, Powershell and some other plugins. For some reason I left writing JavaScript really difficult for myself and still use Notepad or write it in Dreamweaver and check it using the browser developer tools.

Video - Adobe Premiere, for less complicated work I use OpenShot (FOSS) or for simple slicing and dicing, Windows Movie Maker (2012 edition) which still works on Windows 11.


I wrote all of my code in Notepad in my Windows days and switched to Linux and gedit over a decade ago. I periodically look at other software and workflows, to see what’s on offer, but I will forever crave the simplicity of a basic text editor with a few clever features (mainly syntax highlighting). gedit and filezilla, that’ll do me for all eternity.

I had no idea Dreamweaver was still around! I played with it for a bit and built a few sites for friends with it, must have been in 2003-2004 or thereabouts. I remember the code being a glorious mess, though I’m sure they’ve got it all figured out by now.

Since my previous post on this topic, my website has migrated to Hostinger as its host, but since Hostinger also supports Git, the workflow for my main site of using Visual Studio Code to edit or preview my code, pushing and then sync changes to my website’s GitHub repository remains the same. This time, I also use the combination of Hostinger’s Git webhook and a GitHub action to enable deploying the changes to the repository to Hostinger automatically.

The workflow for my tumbleblog and fanlisting collective is slightly different, since they are not static sites: I still use Visual Studio Code to edit their code and have created Git repositories to keep track of code changes, but instead of deploying the repositories directly to Hostinger with Git, I upload the files through FTP by using WinSCP.