Web Directories

Last October I dropped a lot of sites from my webring list as they appeared to be directories rather than rings.

I’ve been thinking about that a lot over the last few days and created a listing of directories.

.I don’t have much of a plan for the page but as it grows I expect to have to categorize it - lists of lists, and by subject.


I think that’s a wonderful idea!

ray, this is awesome! thank you for doing it!

A list of web directories is appreciated. Thank you for making it. :+1:

You can find more web directories in the Directories & Listings section of 32-Bit Cafe’s Resource List.

Well done. These directory lists are always useful.

It’s partially down to @arevakhach

I ummed and ahhed for ages last October before removing them from the webring list, but never forgot about them. They’re a great way of finding our personal sites, and that’s what’s important.

The tech is easy, just a spreadsheet and a bit of JavaScript. Unless I want to change the page itself I shouldn’t have to touch the HTML for it again. The heavy work is done by Google and they shouldn’t be collapsing any time soon. They do kill off services, but there’s talk of them making the API public domain.

A meta list of directory listings :joy: love it