Two experiments in one homepage

There are two things I find tricky about making websites, and I might just have found a solution for both:

  • In handcrafted websites, the most fiddly thing is adding a new page. Even with templates kept handy, it’s a hassle. So ideally I’d like to minimize the number of pages.
  • Making stylesheets that work in both light and dark mode can be tricky because you have to come up with two separate color schemes that complement each other style-wise. It’s usually not enough to invert colors.

Well, last evening (when I was supposed to relax and rest my eyes) my muse hit me with the idea stick like she always does, and I came up with this site. Well, “site”. It’s just one page right now, that’s kind of the point. And it mostly lets the browser decide colors, apart from saying “you can switch to dark mode”. The challenge was how to make it not boring, but I have a handle on this.

Don’t mind the text, it’s largely copied from my new homepage, as a starting point.