Hello! I tried searching for any fixes but I couldn’t. I’m working on a custom startpage, I added a small joke ad iframe, called ‘johnvertisments’. Now I want to add a little date/time widget, but whenever I add it in it just takes the ‘johnvertisment’ widget instead. Any thoughts? Thank you!
Do all of your iframes have an “id” attribute with a unique value?
No actually, I’m very new to this so sorry if that’s something super obvious! I’ll double check and see if that fixes it, thank you
Never apologize for being new to something or not knowing things. I do this for a living and there’s still stuff I don’t know or have to look up because I’ve forgotten it.
And it’s OK if it’s obvious. In fact, it’s better when it’s obvious, because that means it’s a common problem with a relatively straightforward solution. I asked about the “id” attribute because if you’re trying to target a specific element with JavaScript but can’t, that’s the simplest explanation and thus most likely to be the cause.
So, I hope that it was as simple as a missing “id” attribute. That means you can fix it and get back to what you wanted to do that much sooner.
But if that wasn’t the problem, then I would have asked to see your HTML and JavaScript in case the problem was more complex. That’s how I debug stuff at my day job: I try to rule out the obvious causes first.
That makes sense and I appreciate it! Sadly it didn’t change anything, but I’ll out the code here so you can see it.
Welcome to the Internet!!!WELCOME TO THE INTERNET!!!
Check your email!

Web~Weaver Resources:
I actually don’t have any javascript going on, could that be the issue?
Instead of a details block, can you please wrap your HTML in a code block?
To do that here, you’d type ` three times on one line, paste your code onto a new line right underneath, and then type ` three times on a new line right after your code.
Otherwise, if you have this page up on the net, can you share the URL?
Ah got it!
<title>Welcome to the Internet!!!</title>
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" a href="https://files.catbox.moe/af6d7z.gif">
<h2><a href="https://mail.proton.me/u/0/inbox" target="_blank">Check your email!</a></h2>
<iframe src="https://free.timeanddate.com/clock/i9rmhytz/n202/fn12/fs18/fceee/tc909/bls0/brs0/bts4/btc00b/tt0/ts1" id="time" frameborder="0" width="512" height="29">clock</iframe>
<h2>Social Sites:</h2>
<a href="https://spacehey.com/home" target="_blank">SpaceHey</a> <br>
<a href="https://discord.com/channels/1310760920070226001/1311098037745225812" target="_blank">
<a href="https://bus-stop.net/" target="_blank">Bus Stop</a>
<a href="https://discourse.32bit.cafe/" target="_blank">32-Bit Cafe</a>
<a href="https://forum.melonland.net/" target="_blank">MelonLand</a>
<a href="https://midnight.pub/" target="_blank">The Midnight Pub</a>
<img src="https://files.catbox.moe/daow9s.png">
<img src="https://files.catbox.moe/ipmdln.png">
<h2>Web~Weaver Resources:</h2>
<a href="https://pathfinder.w3schools.com/" target="_blank">W3Schools</a>
<a href="https://cssgridgarden.com/" target="_blank">CSS Grid Garden</a>
<a href="https://codepip.com/games/" target="_blank">Codepip Games</a>
<iframe src="https://john.citrons.xyz/embed?ref=file:///C:/Users/peiff/Documents/startpagewip.html" id="ads" style="margin-left:auto;display:block;margin-right:auto;max-width:732px;width:100%;height:94px;border:none;">john</iframe>
<h2 style="color:#FF00FF;">Arcade:</h2>
<a href="https://neal.fun/" target="_blank">Neal.fun</a>
<a href="https://bemuse.ninja/" target="_blank">Bemuse Rhythm Game</a>
<a href="https://theuselessweb.com/" target="_blank">The Useless Web</a>
Like that?
Much better.
I just went to freetimeanddate.com to try creating a clock myself. This is what I got:
<iframe src="https://free.timeanddate.com/clock/i9rmkdeh/n97/szw110/szh110/hoc000/hbw2/hfceee/cf100/hncccc/fdi76/mqc000/mql10/mqw4/mqd98/mhc000/mhl10/mhw4/mhd98/mmc000/mml10/mmw1/mmd98" frameborder="0" width="110" height="110"></iframe>
Did you add “clock” before </iframe>
yourself? If so, could you try taking it out? It might be interfering.
I did, pulled that out and nothing changed unfortunately.
OK, that’s odd. Are you hosting this page on Neocities? Because I put your iframe into a HTML file and opened the file in a browser from my local storage, and the clock showed up for me. But Neocities blocks a lot of cross-site stuff for security reasons.
Oh that’s weird, I’m just using an html file on my laptop for this, so it’s not connected at all to neocities! Haha
I just refreshed it like 4 times and it randomly showed up fine?! Maybe it just took a minute to register the change but that’s so weird. But at least it’s fixed somehow!
Might have been that your browser was loading the page from its cache instead of grabbing the current version, then.
I’m pretty sure that was the issue!
Glad I was able to help you fix it.