The Small Internet has Already Succeeded


There are some great quotes in here!

What I am trying to say is that the small Internet is better than it has ever been, and I should know. I have been surfing the Internet since the beginning since before it was even called “the Internet”.

I think the small Internet has come a long way over the past five to ten years

I’m so glad he published this article with confirmation that our efforts are not wasted, and I’m glad to see that things are Improving!!
I’ve never known the small internet before the corporate Internet, so it’s nice to hear that from someone who has.

Third, each of us must banish the idea from his mind that he has failed if he creates a website and millions of people don’t flock to it. That is corporate thinking, and it has no place on the small web.

We should be creating websites because we have something to share that has value to us that we think others may also benefit from.

This is something I keep trying to say too. I sometimes see people in the small web complain about not getting views or whatnot and feeling like their time was wasted and that they “failed”, and I can’t help but be like “that’s not the point …”

Sure it’s wonderful to know that other people like our sites, but if we’re just making content to get more “views” then how is that any different from mainstream social media?

Nearly everything I make on my site is for me to reference later, if other people like them or are helped by them, that’s great!!! But it will never be wasted even if it isn’t liked because it was always for me to look back on. I’m sure no one is interested in my page where I make color maps for a 3D data model of a 3dz2 orbital but it’s there for me to look back on


“Don’t eat the corporate salad; it contains mouse droppings” could totally become a thing.

Also… having 60ish followers on Neocities has felt more rewarding than having several hundred followers on social media. Maybe because an algorithm didn’t show it to them; they stumbled upon my little site organically and decided it was cool enough to revisit.