The open web as gift economy (Part 4)

A must read

The open web as gift economy (Part 4)


I actually was sent this link in a newsletter! I really liked it, and it’s definitely around how I feel about the web/how I wished more of the web works. I wonder if anyone has any criticisms though?

I saw this in my feeds the other day; I’ve been grabbing her feed since she had mentioned something I had written in her weeknotes for December 7-13 2024.

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Human taste, even if it doesn’t match mine, is more interesting than artificial taste — because it’s real. It comes from someone particular, not an averaged amalgam. Corporate algorithms are ultimately a tool of capitalism, either extracting my time, prioritizing their profit, or funnelling me to buy.

I like this part. Puts into my words a lot of my skepticism around the idea that AI will take everyone’s job away.