I’d say things like using “var” for colors and images (not sure if it can be used for anything else), the bare basics of flexbox, and general classes - stuff like making boxes and centered text. I also learned super basic responsive design.
I’m still trying to learn the full power/use of ::after, ::before, and ::not, as well as anything similar to them in terms of use. Making full use of flex box is another, since I feel I’ve just barely scratched the surface. Also, making sticky elements play nice with flexbox. I know what I want to do is possible (at least, I’ve seen other sites do it), I just can’t seem to get it to work >>
Bonus round: at this point, I’ve never made an element that was rotated at a particular angle. But I probably could learn it with some trial and error. So I’ll put that at a similar level as the above.
A lot of what I’ve seen on other sites! For example, Dragon Cave has “boxes” with edges that look like torn paper, but they’re able to stretch infinitely. How do you do that? Or other more “decorative” borders that are still repeatable?
Perfect alignment? Is there a way to force two elements to take up the “same space” so they appear aligned on the page, even when in different divs?
More complicated responsiveness and accessibility in general. I (and others) often feel forced to simplify designs for the sake of these aspects, but there must be a way to have intricate, intresting designs also be mobile friendly and accessible. Though, I understand if this is going beyond “intermediate” CSS and into more advanced CSS.
You know how some sites have it to where the background changes the further down you scroll? Maybe something like making it look like you’re going deeper and deeper into the ocean. HOW. THAT’S SO COOL. And is there a way to ensure that adding more content to the page won’t completely break the effect?
Sorry if those are rather spesific ^^; I could easily make threads on most of those. But it was the best way I knew to answer this question, since at this point I wouldn’t even know what code to call upon.