[READ FIRST] How To Ask Good Questions

Need to learn how to centre a <div>? This is the place to raise help topics!

Choose a good title

  • Summarise your question into one sentence
  • Include error messages

Start explaining the problem

  • What caused the problem?
  • What have you tried already to fix it?

Provide code

  • That way, others can run it themselves and get the same problem you got. Don’t provide all your code; only enough to cause the problem you have.
  • A link to your live site (if available) is always useful.
  • Codepen is a great way to share relevant bits of code that we can play with and help work towards a solution.

Mark as SOLVED When Done

  • When your issue has been solved, please edit the tags to add SOLVED so others know it’s not still unanswered!

Format all code

`Inline code formatting`

becomes Inline code formatting


fLaMEd is very grumpy



<p>fLaMEd is very grumpy</p>

*, *::before, *::after {
box-sizing: border-box;


*, *::before, *::after {
  box-sizing: border-box;

const myText = “I am a string”;


const myText = "I am a string";