Heya fellow café patrons, I’m wondering what your preferred online chatroom systems are.
I recently made a page about why I think e-mail is the best asynchronous narrowcast online communication medium, but I don’t see a clear victor among synchronous narrowcast online communication media, i.e. chatrooms. So what’re your preferred chatroom systems and why?
I hear some major ones are IRC (extended to IRCv3), XMPP, and Matrix.
I’m digging XMPP at the moment!
Gotta keep the convos going though, otherwise you’re not chatting
I like the look and feel of both Matrix and XMPP a lot! Unfortunately, my friends have been very firm in using Discord exclusively, so I haven’t gotten much of a chance to try either to their fullest extent.
Discord is a dominant proprietary chat platform right now, yeah; I’m using it but I think it can’t last long due to its proprietary nature; I want to find a decentralized chat platform to avoid the restrictions and the inevitably-doomèdness, but, like you say, and I agree, there isn’t much chance to try any of them to the fullest, in addition to the fact there’s multiple to try in the first place.