microscopic graphics by ribose [requests open]

hello! i have a lot of fun making  very tiny  graphics, so i’m taking requests!

:test_tube:  terms & expectations

  • anyone’s free to use, edit, or recolor these (unless it’s a button for your personal site)
  • general / decorative buttons will probably get added to my site’s free graphics page
  • i’ll do very simple animations upon request, but nothing flashy
  • keep in mind that my pixel art skills are limited. simple shapes? :+1: shading? :-1:
  • asking me to make changes to a completed graphic is ok
  • this is my first time taking requests, so please be patient!

:microscope:  examples

buttons (88x31)

Let's share what we know, logo for the world wide webiNaturalist logobutton with a 7px outset border that has the css declaration for that border written on itI'd rather be fishing!Pokemon: Oh! It's a bite!
view source now!Animal Crossing: River fish in your inventory.tiny chao from SonicsporeRunescape: Fishing level 99 now!
pixel, 32-bit cafeitch.io logoGunpla logoThey Might Be Giants32-bit cafe: back to school

favicons / emojis (16x16)

a tiny amoebaoops there’s only one example

:notebook:  current requests

  1. open
  2. open
  3. open

:white_check_mark:  past requests

view list
  1. 2024/08/14 :dove: for bonzoobel - finished 2024/08/14
  2. 2024/08/14 :pencil2: for manatee - finished 2024/08/14
  3. 2024/08/14 :transgender_symbol: for flowerinbinary - finished 2024/08/14

:mailbox:  request form

reply to this post with your answers to this form

basics: what’s the graphic for? (your site, another site, general decoration, etc) and what are the required elements to include? (text, logo, image, etc)
graphic size: 88x31 or 16x16 or some other small size
color palette (optional): can be vague (“green”) or specific (a list of hex or rgb colors)
link to style examples (optional): especially helpful if you want me to work in a new style!


hi! i would like to request a button!

basics: i want a graphic for my personal site and i want it to have an transgender symbol (:transgender_symbol:) in the middle of it. the background can be just a simple color. also i would like dithering for the whole graphic, if it’s possible (Stucki specifically)
graphic size: 88x31
color palette (optional): blue, white and pink!


how about this? dithering really shines when there’s a transition between colors, so i went with a gradient instead of a solid background



i like this! the only things that i would like to be changed are the background and the symbol, i would like the background to be darker and the symbol to be lighter. also i don’t know how to describe it but when people make gradients with pixels there is a way to make more… linear?? (i attached an image of some pixel gradient studies) i want the transitions to be more linear i think. (also just a small nitpick but i don’t want the symbol to touch the border… if that is possible to fix ofc)

the link to the pixel gradient study: https://www.deviantart.com/jaycaution/art/Dithering-Gradient-Study-Pixel-Art-769533100

also i’m sorry if this is a lot of nitpicks, i genuinely like the button!!!

I’m going to use the pencil button to link to my code jam entry.:slightly_smiling_face:

My request is a tiny yellow horizontal pencil, maybe 24 pixels long?

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what you’re looking for is called ordered dithering. the stucki dithering algorithm looks like random dots, while ordered dithering has more of a linear pattern like the example you provided.

flowerinbinary flowerinbinary2

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yes, this is what i meant! thank you so much for making this button, it looks great :] i will put it on my website as soon as possible!

here are some tiny pencils, with and without a white border :memo:
pencilmini penciltiny pencilmini2 penciltiny2


i loveee your inat button so i had to make a 32bit account to request an ebird button because i dont trust that i can do it myself rip

basics: just for general deco purposes on my personal site! it would be great if it could be similar to the inat button… they are sibling sites in my mind
graphic size: 88x31
link to style examples (optional): here is a reference for the logo: https://files.catbox.moe/dyc2wr.png !

thank you ^_^

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inat and ebird are absolutely sibling sites. flying around together helping me figure out what’s in my backyard



Somewhere in my old room there’s a “Do You Ebird?” bumper sticker from my ornithology field class.


<3 <3 I’ve recently gotten very into iNaturalist & eBird, I love these buttons. Thank you!