Made an ADHD webring

I’ve seen a couple of webrings along the lines of Autists Online but I realized I haven’t seen one for ADHD folks. I was thinking about making one if there isn’t one already, but I have two questions I’d like to hear from folks about:

  1. Have you seen an ADHD ring?
  2. Would you be interested in joining one?
  1. I haven’t, and I’ve even searched for one.
  2. Absolutely!

I considered making one myself, but it went to the bottom of my to-do list so it’d be awesome to see someone else make one!


Make one! I havent seen anything for ADHD and it’ll be great to join!


Well, I did it!
Here it is: ADHMe Webring

@Moxie @Sunny_Velvet_Luxe I have pre-emptively added both of you mostly because I wanted to have a couple of URLs on there to test it out! I hope that’s okay.


YAY! I’m adding the code now. :smiling_face:

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thank you, I’ll break my site hiatus a bit to add it rn!

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Incredible, incredible work! Please, I too would like to join! Also, please consider submitting it to Ray Thomas’ Webring List. And, while you’re at it, consider sending him a formal invitation to join the 32-Bit Cafe!

I’ve got you added, so you can go ahead and add the code to your site! Thanks for the suggestion, I’ve emailed the list owner.

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Done! #30 ADHMe Webring. Thanks again, yo.

I have an Autism webring, but not an ADHD one!
Funny thing: I have both Autism AND ADHD!

I got the Autism down pat, don’t get me wrong, it’s just the ADHD part that I’m struggling with to this day.

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we’d love to join the webring!!
our website is
is there any more information i should provide? this is our first time using discourse, so i have no idea what i’m doing!

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Welcome to the forum! I’ve got you added to the ring now, so all you need to do is add the code to your site.


This is amazing ^_^ I’d love to join the webring as well!
my website is
thank you~

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Yay, my first nekoweb member! I’ve got you added!

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Hi! your webring is awesome, ide love it if you could add my site:

adding code to my site now!

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Hello! Thanks for joining, I’ve got you added!


Hi! I’d like to be added! I just added the webring widget to my site (Zombieville) This webring is neat :smiley:

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Thanks for joining! You’ve been added.

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I was just rearranging my joined/webring links and noticed that the link for this ring is broken. It degraded so gracefully that I didn’t notice, but is everything okay?

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Hello again! I am in the process of moving domains, so could you update to

Thank you! :slight_smile: