Installing Chyrp Lite: How?

When I making my blog, I wanted initially to install chyrp lite after wading through a few options as it seemed the most simple to use (post installation) and lightweight. However, I encountered much difficulty getting it to like actually, work on my site, which was incredibly frustration and led me to go with zonelots temporarily.

However, as I make more posts and my .js files get longer, I decided maybe I would like to try again. But my biggest problem is that I’m pretty sure I followed the instructions correctly, so don’t know why it wasn’t working–pretty sure, as in, I don’t know jack about how it’s supposed to work other than trying to approximate what I was supposed to do on my cPanel and hoping for the best, I guess.

All this is say: I am wondering if there is a more beginner friendly guide that lays things out step-by-step? Because this is a very hard issue to search for help on since most people using it tend to know what they’re doing, whereas I… do not XD

Did you get any errors when you tried to install Chyrp Lite? Since you use cPanel, I assume you are installing Chyrp Lite on a server that supports PHP and SQL, is that correct? If so, what is the version of your PHP? Chyrp Lite’s requirements list has stated that it needs at least version 8.0 of PHP.

I’m hosting on, so yeah it should have PHP and SQL–so it looks like its something called MariaDB & phpMyAdmin? And checking the latter, it shows the PHP version to be 8.3.10. I think what I was most confused by was just how to use these things, because I wasn’t/am not sure where to set up the database (on cPanel itself or using this phpMyAdmin thing)

you should be able to do it from the cPanel. if you go to your cPanel, scroll down to Databases, you should see an option for SQL Databases. you can either click into that or you can click the MySQL® Database Wizard if that’s available to be a bit easier:

this is from the demo version but yours should still show this, i think?

from there, set up the database and make note of the:

  • entire database name
  • database user and password you create

chryplite’s quick start guide helped me more than the “getting started” guide.

and here’s documentation for setting up databases in cPanel.

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