Being very new to the personal web, and also new to actually trying to genuinely immerse myself in a community of a hobby I’m entering, I am intensely curious how much time the average personal web citizen spends on other people’s personal sites.
If it’s a large amount, is it a lot of time on a few sites, or a little time spread out skimming lots of sites? How much content do people consume in their RSS feeds? Do they skim dense blog posts or sit down and read it all carefully? Etc.
Of course this will vary person to person, but I find this question interesting because a consequence of the majority of internet socializing and sharing happening over social media, people will consume lots of content, but usually only a small snippet from a single creator before moving on to the next one. A few sentences in a tweet or reddit post, an image on instagram, a video on tiktok/instagram reels/youtube shorts. There are exceptions, tumblr and long form youtube come to mind, but even then posts are usually consumed as singular experiences in a feed.
Coming from that environment, it is strange that one can arrive at a totally unique personal space and have hours worth of miscellaneous works from a single creator, usually carefully packaged in intentional web design. You are faced with a choice of how deep down each rabbit hole you go, and it is entirely self directed. There is no algorithmic recommendation in the corner to pull you further into the rabbit hole, it is simply a question of “do I click on this link? Do I read this? Do I want to engage with this?”
Personally so far, I’ve been looking mostly for visual inspiration so I have been skimming a lot of sites quickly and evaluating if I want to save them for further study later. I will click around if I really like the site or if it’s simple without many pages to explore. I haven’t found any blogs I really want to come back to, much less set up an RSS reader thingy. If I stick around, I hope this will change and I will spend more time with the pieces of expression I find, and find reasons to come back to certain sites again and again.
I have this hope because I hope that a few people will engage* with what I put up. But, maybe the personal web is mostly full of people broadcasting and not as many people receiving or listening to other broadcasts, and maybe that’s okay. Art doesn’t need an audience to be meaningful necessarily. And then again, maybe the personal web is a true give and take experience! What do you think? What’s your experience been?
*By engage I don’t mean I’m hoping for traditional social media engagement with comments and likes and other attempts to quantify human response. I just mean that intellectually or emotionally I stir a response in someone, even if it’s small.