Growing old as a programmer

Roundup post of a Mastodon thread, from a little while ago. I’ve been thinking a lot about ageism in tech lately and this seemed like a good collection of ideas to explore further.


At my company there are a lot of ERGs (Employee Resource Groups) with quirky sounding names that usually involve a clever variation on the company name. If you’re not familiar with ERGs, think about specific communities just looking for comradery or advice; e.g. gender, race, religion, geography, etc. These are entirely organized by employees.

This is a lot of exposition, sorry.

One of the groups is named “cleverly” by including the word “Grey”—it’s essentially the group for older folks. A few months ago, I learned that these are my people apparently. It’s 40 and up. 40+ in tech is grey.

old man (43) shakes fist at clouds


40 is grey and yet one can get the “senior” label in their early 20s, after a few years of job hopping. What an industry :)

If I had known what it would be like today back in 1996, I would have become an electrician instead.