in order to write something good, you just need to write a lot, without thinking about whether it is good or bad, you will find out later, when you make edits and throw out the unnecessary.
always check the facts, this is important
when you have a big article of 5 thousand words, remove the fluff, shorten it to two, this is not a Mexican TV series, no one will read that much, it is the 21st century))) there have always been few thinking people, but now we are convinced of this thanks to the Internet.
in order to write something good, read a lot of good and interesting things, erudition helps to write. you will use more words, more synonyms, more comparisons, and speech patterns are cool.
write with humor, life is complete shit, and a glimmer of something good and funny is never superfluous.
try not to moralize, let the reader decide for himself and draw conclusions. morality is needed only if something is in the past, you summed up the existence of something that no longer exists, or this morality is directly related to your personal experience.
remember - a professional is someone who gets paid for a specific job (a writer for a book, a journalist for an article, and so on). a professional is not someone who graduated from a university in their profession. you can be a history teacher by education, but work in a pizzeria, which means you are a professional pizzaiola. that’s all you need to know about the profession.
and yes, by the way - I always ignore at least one of these rules, so that I have something to criticize. if the reader finds something and is like “ahaaaah! you didn’t guess here! and here it’s not like that at all, it wasn’t like that, but like this!”, and that’s also good, the reader read, thought, analyzed, conducted analytics, or simply checked some data in Google. it’s symbiosis.
and now a little about what you SHOULD NEVER WRITE ABOUT under any circumstances. articles in the style of “elon musk is o/ somewhere out there, and what would happen if he did it more times, for example, he would go on tour, because everyone is so interested in it.” in fact, no one is interested in this, interest in such crap is generated by social networks, and if it weren’t for them, you wouldn’t even pay attention. in the same way, they slip politics under your nose, and politicians in particular. I try not to involve politics in the constructive at all.
there are always reasonable topics: inspiration, presentation, design, technology, personal experience, development, self-development, art, and much, much more
do it because you can, and not because you have to