Forums Are Still Alive, Active, And A Treasure Trove Of Information - Aftermath


Couldn’t comment it on the article itself without paying for a subscription (which ranges from $70 to $999 DOLLARS A YEAR? rips the door off my fridge), so, I’ll add this here:

There are a few different Pokemon forums to choose from; all of which being extremely active.

Bulbagarden is the place to go for a Pokemon forum. It’s the same service that hosts Bulbapedia, the independently-run Pokemon wiki which any Pokemon fan is sure to be familiar with, as well as archives and a podcast. It has almost 31 different forum styles to choose from, including a queer pride-themed one. (Here’s my account!)

Serebii also has an affiliated forum. The difference between Serebii and Bulbapedia is that Bulbapedia serves as a wiki, while Serebii is mainly known for its guides, databases, and news. In particular, it is known for PokeEarth: a complete listing of all in-game Trainers and catchable Pokémon in every city and route. However, I’ve heard bad things about the forums going down a lot, as well as a reputation for malicious/trolling elitist users. This is just based off of what I, personally, have heard from word of mouth, though. It has only 2 forum styles to choose from, too.

Pokecommunity is not affiliated with any Pokemon resource, but I have heard of it through good word-of-mouth alone. I’ve heard the community is extremely friendly, and it’s very easy to find other users to battle/trade there. It is also the only forum listed here which hosts subforums for fangames and hacking, so, if that’s your scene, it’s your best bet. It has 11 different forum styles.


I can’t believe they didn’t list the best forum on the internet, the 32-Bit Cafe :pensive:

This is a great list! I’ve been looking for another forum or two to frequent.


Something Awful: I hear it’s better since LowTax died!

Cold blooded :joy:

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Can’t recommend Bypass Paywalls Clean enough for those purposes. Also, from my experience, turning off js works just fine on aftermath.

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This also showed up on Metafilter - the thread has additional forums that didn’t make it in the article. I haven’t seen it mentioned in the main article or in any comments on it but one site that is still active and quite useful is the MobileRead Forums. It deals with anything and everything e-reader/e-book.

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I actually do have that extension, I just forgot to use it, lol. Thank you!