Digital Relationships / Connections

Manuel Moreale is hosting this month’s (February '24) IndieWeb Carnival, and for its topic he’s chosen: Digital Relationships. In the post he mentions 3 possible interpretations:

  1. “relationships between us human beings that are lived primarily—or entirely—on the digital world.”
  2. “relationship between us and the digital world itself.”
  3. “having relationships with digital creations such as AI friends, boyfriends and girlfriends.”

I think it’s a really interesting subject for discussion, one that should persist beyond its ~30 day time limit. If you’re at all interested in participating, all you have to do is write a blog post by March 1st and email the link to Manu.

This thread is for:

  • Any that missed the event and still want to share their link / writing on the topic.
  • Any response, opinions or thoughts that you feel don’t warrant a whole blog post.
  • Back and forth conversation of the matter.

As for my thoughts? I’m not really sure to be honest… Maybe that’s the real reason for this thread. Lol.

P.S. If you’re at all interested in hosting an IndieWeb Carnival, please feel free to DM any questions you may have or assistance required in signing up! It’s currently booked through all of 2024 though… But 2025 is pretty open! :sweat_smile:


I have an outline drafted and looking to get a post finished for the event! I’ve had this one drafted since last year so good time to get it done as the topic is relevant!

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Ooh maybe I’ll do a blog post for this! I have a lot to say about online friendships. I have so many friends that I met and continue to keep up with online from middle school onwards! And of course now that I’m in college I have friendships that have become primarily online due to one or both of us moving… So much to talk about. I really hope I have the time to write a proper blog post about this, thank you for sharing!


I’d love to write about relationships with the digital world… I found out yesterday that AR glasses are mainstream back home and I felt at once dazzled—we’re living in the future!—but also pensive about what that means about the way we engage with technology.

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Thank you for posting this! I do read Manuale’s blog, but had missed this somehow, and after some thinking I’ve got an idea for a post that I think will be fun.

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This was my submission for the IndieWeb Carnival: The Neon God

I guess I found… something? to say. Though its not very positive. Or original. And, lol, maybe a bit too biblical? I also don’t feel like I concluded it as poetically as I’d have liked. Oh, well! You do what you can. “Done is better than perfect”. The entry made it into the upcoming roundup!

Its an incredibly interesting discussion. And while I stand by what I wrote, I recognize there’s a lot of nuance I steamrolled over. I just wanted to have some fun approaching the topic from that angle, so, really, I’d love to hear any and all thoughts / opinions / etc. on how you feel about the topic!

I didn’t get around to fleshing out my draft. I’ll get it out some time soon.

Got yours loaded in my feed reader to read later

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My friend suragu recently wrote this blog post: “Internet and human relations” (original Spanish version here).

He too seemed to have reached a negative conclusion… I still think this is an interesting and important topic, particularly on the Personal / Small Web.

While the corporate web continues making promises upon promises (lies upon lies) about what it can / does offer, I believe it’s worth reflecting on what is it, realistically, that the Internet, at its best, can offer us? What, fundamentally, can it not? Not in a dogmatic sense, as I also believe there are always exceptions, but in a holistic, general sense.

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