Department of Missing Badges

heya @xandra!
Please can I get the badges for:

Could we get a badge for theme contribution for the main site? :pleading_face:

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beautiful theme that was!

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apologies for the wait while i was out of town—getting on these right away!

that is such a good idea! yes, i’ll set that up!

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also, it looks like i cannot give out the sourcer badge since it’s automatic. i’d recommend the folks who need that badge from work done on the discuss list (@DarylSun @1337nightbug & others): go ahead and edit the wiki (even if it’s just adding a period, go back in and remove it) to get the badge. so sorry about this! x_x

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I think I qualify for Event Attendee, I did the '22 Halloween event and I’m sure there were others I submitted things for but I’m blanking on the exacts >.>;

if you think of them, let me know! i’ve given you the '23 Halloween badge, the '24 Valentine’s Day badge, Event Attendee, Event Participant, and '23 Holidays.

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I forgot until now that I also participated in Community Code Jam #2, so could I please get Code Apprentice too? Thanks!

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done! thanks for letting me know :)

May I have the Event Atendee and 2023 Holidays event badges? :thinking2: thank you <33

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of course! thank you!!!

Just made my first wiki edit for the Sourcer badge :smiley:

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