Department of Missing Badges

heya @xandra!
Please can I get the badges for:

Could we get a badge for theme contribution for the main site? :pleading_face:


beautiful theme that was!


apologies for the wait while i was out of town—getting on these right away!

that is such a good idea! yes, i’ll set that up!


also, it looks like i cannot give out the sourcer badge since it’s automatic. i’d recommend the folks who need that badge from work done on the discuss list (@DarylSun @1337nightbug & others): go ahead and edit the wiki (even if it’s just adding a period, go back in and remove it) to get the badge. so sorry about this! x_x


I think I qualify for Event Attendee, I did the '22 Halloween event and I’m sure there were others I submitted things for but I’m blanking on the exacts >.>;

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if you think of them, let me know! i’ve given you the '23 Halloween badge, the '24 Valentine’s Day badge, Event Attendee, Event Participant, and '23 Holidays.


I forgot until now that I also participated in Community Code Jam #2, so could I please get Code Apprentice too? Thanks!


done! thanks for letting me know :)

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May I have the Event Atendee and 2023 Holidays event badges? :thinking2: thank you <33


of course! thank you!!!

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Just made my first wiki edit for the Sourcer badge :smiley:


Hello, I’d kindly like to request the ‘Promoter’ & ‘Campaigner’ badges. I haven’t made use of the official invite system, but, as mentioned in the following 3 introductions…

  1. RisingThumb
  2. autisticasfxxk
  3. rmf

I have been “promoting” / “campaigning” / “championing” the 32-Bit Cafe. I lay claim in the spirit of the badges, despite not earning them technically…

Thank you in advance for this consideration.

Now please excuse me while I go and touch some grass. :man_facepalming:

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i wholeheartedly agree :) given!!

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Checking over this, seems I never got the Halloween '24 badge. May I please have it? :3c

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i am definitely behind on badges! you are definitely not the only one. :sob: i’ll get those added this week :)


I participated in Halloween 2023 Halloween Vibes (Shannon Kay)
and at least one code jam. I’m not sure how to tell what this one was for 2003

the first code jam!!! i’ll get those badges added to you this week :)

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badges are up-to-date! please check your badges and make sure you have everything you are supposed to! <3 thank you all for your patience.


while I appreciate the ‘Code Maestro’ badge, I haven’t actually participated in two code jams, only one…

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