I love seeing these! Think it’s given me some ideas for mine, too. I’ve shared mine before but:
It’s a tad sterile right now compared to what I’d probably build more recently, but it features:
- Ability to add/remove links or link groups at will
- Weather & time applet
- Favicons generated with google’s favicon api
- Integrated duckduckgo search with buttons for maps, images, and web search.
It also functions as the page I see when I open a new tab, so it’s super useful as a quick way to get places.
I love seeing all the creativity on display here! Everyone does theirs slightly different so that it suits the individual. It’s almost like the individuality of personal webpages, only moreso, because it’s only meant to be useful for one person.
Here’s the current iteration of mine. It needs a few things added, but I don’t usually touch it for long stretches.
Dark mode (current favorite)
Light mode:
I’ve purposely made it a bit over the top to suit my tastes. I’m also thinking about making it change with the seasons/weather.