Apache virtual hosts: Can clients figure out which other sites I am hosting?

Suppose I have a single VPS running on one of the major clouds and it’s using Apache virtual hosts to serve three websites over three different domains: example1.com, example2.com, example3.com.

Can someone who is browsing example1.com think, Hmm, I wonder what other sites this person runs? and figure out that example2.com and example3.com are coming from the same server?

I think the answer is yes because they have the same IP address and thus it’s just a reverse DNS lookup, right?

Is there anything I can do to prevent this?

To my knowledge the only way to prevent this is to have another host machine to point your domain to and have it forward traffic back to the real site.

Thanks. At that point I think it would be more cost effective to just run separate hosts for each site.

I think you can block people from finding this info out if your domains are behind Cloudflare’s proxy as it hides all your domain’s info.