Hello! I’m Aevisia. :) I’ve been a lurker in the 32-bit Discord for a little while and thought it was about time I made a little introduction.
I’m an old millennial, been into web building and similar interests since my early teens but never really got a formal education in it so my methods are a bit chaotic, but it works for me. Professionally, I have an educated background in graphic design, photography, and a bit of marketing and business management. This year I’m taking a full stack developer course as well as a Wordpress development course because I love Wordpress. Wordpress is what I’ve used to build my personal website. I’m hoping to fill in the gaps of my knowledge and acquire new knowledge so I can make websites and web applications totally from scratch.
I joined the small web early 2023 around March but didn’t start getting more involved until summer. It’s become something I’ve become really interested in and passionate about as time goes on and hope I can provide useful resources to help people new to the small web build their own websites. :)
You can find me over at https://thecozy.cat. Happy to be here!