This thread may be of interest to you (if you haven’t seen it):
I recently purchased and have been reading:
I am quite preferable to “beginner’s eye” guides as well. I like to say it’s cause I’m a teacher, but the truth is I’m just a “master of none”.
Anyways, as I was following along and saw how the VPS providers just create them effortlessly from thin air (and then charge me ~$5 a month for a single one!), I thought: “Could I do that?” And that led me to:
And I’ve been having a blast this week lighting up instant “VPSs” on my Raspberry Pi, attempting software installs to my hearts content, failing miserably, and just trying again because creating and destroying is just THAT easy (and free!). Which leads me…
I think any-thing/time you spend trying / struggling is totally absolutely helping you! And we all have our ways… b-u-t, I do worry that mindset could do you a bit-a harm. I think, especially when we’re learning, that kinda rigidity can be limiting. I always remind my students: “Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of it.” Something I appreciate from Mr. Westfall’s (love to see a Personal Site) book is how frequently he acknowledges ambiguity, uncertainty, no guarantees. Mistakes, misconceptions, obstacles! They have value, knowledge, opportunity! Disregarding the less-documented, the less-friendly, could end up preserving your fear, rather than overcoming it.
Lol, anyways, I recommend Incus; or similar, like: LXD or Proxmox