Portable Music Players

I’m not sure which one I’ll be getting yet, as I’ve been sitting on it for a while, but I’m leaning towards green or black! Either way I plan to decorate with stickers though :meow_cheer:

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Got lucky last week and came across my father’s long abandoned iPod classic. Though “abandoned” ain’t really the right word cause that ol’ man of mine was never able to let go of his records. Didn’t matter how many songs you could fit in the palm of his hand. The way he listened to music, it was basically a ritual. So more accurately, it was: “rejected”. Both literally AND figuratively.

That’s what I needed too! Was happy to discover Apple is still selling these:

I was so happy to learn about RockBox because iTunes sucks more ****** **** than a ***** in a ********. It’s downright BUSSIN’ yo:

So, yea, I guess I do now. Honestly, I went through with this project cause all it cost me was a cable and very little time, but after seriously giving it a chance, the concept you guys are talkin’ here… It ain’t as crazy as it seems. Everyone wants convenience but… something really was lost in our “ascendance” to that all-in-one magic rectangle. And it’s nuts because you think “They look (practically) the same!” But they’re not. To me it really harks back to that recent commercial of theirs:

Last thing I’ll touch on is file / digital music library management. I really feel like the iPod trained me well in learning about and dealing with, well music files ofc, but files in general. And in what it means to keep a tidy, easily navigable collection. I use a few different tools nowadays but my best friend through it all has been MediaMonkey 3/4. Would love to hear what any of you guys use for music metadata / organization.

This little bit of tech literacy is completely gone now via streaming. Even people who didn’t like computers were willing to dig deeper if it meant the difference for their favorite songs / artists.

:meow_sad: Dem changin’ times…


(most of) My music is organised in the Plex recommended convention Music/ArtistName/AlbumName/TrackNumber - TrackName.ext.

I’m looking at running https://beets.io/ on my home server to start automating the renaming and matching.