Pop the Confetti 🎉

Proper good use of the web


Amazing, I love silly little things like this.

You might enjoy this one then https://theuselessweb.com/

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Oh boy, this takes me back to the old “Virtual bubblewrap” site that used to be online. There are tons of imitators now, but the one I knew when I was younger was specifically run by the moderator of the Mock_The_Stupid livejournal community (the web was rougher in those days). She also had “virtual adult lady toy” (not actual verbiage), which as bad as it sounds was just a pic of a adult lady toy that would shake back and forth and said “make your internet experience more titillating.” I have no idea if that one’s still up, because I’m NOT going to search for it.

BTW my fastest click speed is averaging around 118 ms. :crazy_face:

Never know when you’ll need some confetti, thanks.