Old Website Of The Day 🌠🌠🌠

Yeah makes sense that something was added later :slight_smile:

Some other election campaigns from 1996 that are not CSS-looking here 1996 Presidential Campaign Website


Card Games - first created in 1995, index page last updated March 1, 2024! Wow!

This is a massive listing of card and tile game rules. Sections include domino games, card games, solitaire games, proprietary games (requiring specific decks), editor’s choice, games sorted by region, number of players, pages with recent interest. Stated aim of the site is:

“to collect and disseminate knowledge of traditional multi-player card games from all parts of the world, and to encourage people to play a wide range of card games.”


Wow I totally remember browsing this site many years ago! It is amazing that it is still being updated.

One site that really wound me up when I first found it was Bonsai Kitten. Until I realized what it was, I thought it was worse than some of the shock sites that were around.


Man, that stirs up a memory! I was really young when I first ran across that one, and believed it for years until I got older and realized it was obviously a joke. I remember being horrified and really angry when I first read it.


The Homepage of the Oldternet - had trouble figuring out if this was an old website or a website made to look old. And I think the answer is, yes.

Interesting collection of classic game system pictures and information, Windows 3 and 95 icon packs, various file downloads, a couple of DOOM WADs and some recipes.


Here’s a website of some GPS-related company I found yesterday. Evidently, it hasn’t been updated since 2004, and I don’t know how it’s still up.

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Sniggle.net - still a great timewaste after all these years. Endless information about pranks, hoaxes and culture jamming.


OWotD: netgoth!

Did you want to find goths between roughly 1998 and 2008? Netgoth could help you with that. Personal profiles, chatrooms, and lists of goth or goth-friendly businesses. It’s a little bit broken around the edges but many of the pages are still functional or semi-functional.

logo of netgoth


Is it a little rude to reply to myself not one but three times on a thread I started? I hope not, but I have a bad feeling that it might be…

Anyway: the OWOTD (Old Website Of The Day) is:


A tribute to the Pennsylvania-born musician, best known for the disco hit “Relight My Fire”. An incredibly in-depth website full of original research - last updated in September of 2023, but still rockin’ a late 90s design and layout.



no, keep going! I don’t mind at all.


Refdesk.com - started in 1995 and still rocking that old school look.

Site/fact/thought/picture/word and more of the day, book of the month, news headlines from a huge array of sources. If you need a link to something, they probably have it listed.


I’ve come across a bunch of these old portals that still exist and are still being updated. I’ll throw them in here when I come across them again…

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One of my favorite sites that I have been referencing for my rainbow pages is Atmospheric Optics which uses a table layout, and according to the contact page began in 1998 :3 Up until recently this site maintained this style, but within the past few months it was updated into a boring blog format that really just doesnt convey the information the same (notice how the url begins with “old.”) I’m just glad the old version was preserved by the author considering he has blocked it from the wayback machine :(


That’s actually a really lovely design, and definitely more individual than the “blog” blah.

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Today’s old website is…the Vatican online?

After the controversy over a Catholic AI bot that pretended to be a priest, I started wondering how the group responsible were able to get the URL Catholic.com. It turns out the Holy See uses its own .va domain name, and their website is, in my opinon, a little dated. Sadly, there are no blinkies, badges or buttons.



In 2002, the website of the Python programming language apparently boasted that it was used in the production of Star Wars: Episode II:

“Python plays a key role in our production pipeline. Without it a project the size of Star Wars: Episode II would have been very difficult to pull off. From crowd rendering to batch processing to compositing, Python binds all things together,” said Tommy Burnette, Senior Technical Director, Industrial Light & Magic


I like that python logo! Very 2002


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From a recent video by Veritasium:



Oh this is delightful. So much detail!