Comments: love 'em or hate 'em?

This is a great point, never know what kind of website you’ll stumble across this way

HOnestly I don’t mind comments, I have a more neutral opinion. On the one hand it’d be nice to know what the people seeing what I put in my site are thinking since I don’t really check my emails very often, but yeah the spam and moderation is very annoying. I thrive off feedback, but get overwhelmed with replying to having to check what people have been sending me so I often use comments in small doses, like my blog and guestbook. Having them all over the place is kinda unnecessary for me and discouraging as weird as that sounds.

I like comments when I have control over where they are on my website (my blog and garden) and can actually moderate them. I’ve had some really lovely interactions with people on my blog posts thanks to my comment section. My two favourite comment sections are the one I have up for my blog post about reading Moby Dick where people recommended other books and poems for me to read, and the blog post I made about a really cool adoptable I love where the creator of the adoptable left a really nice comment.

I share my art and comics on a couple of platforms where I don’t have all that much control over the comment sections and I generally try not to look at them, so that’s when I don’t enjoy comments all that much. Platforms make people a bit more brash than they need to be in my opinion, especially when their words will show up right away on someone else’s stuff. With the comment section on my website a comment doesn’t go live until I’ve gotten a chance to review it, and I require an email address attached to the opinion, so it makes people approach my space with a bit more politeness.

Another thing I like about the comments on my personal site is that with the current comment host I use it allows people to include a link to their website in their username, which gives other readers (and me :slightly_smiling_face:) a chance to check out a cool new website, like @PinkGallica mentioned above.


i could code custom comment box or include an external script for someone else’s

HOWEVER, i wouldn’t have the energy to potentially moderate that ish. if someone wants to give me a feedback they’re free to email me, tbh