Category | Topics |
AnnouncementsThis is where important announcements regarding the 32-Bit Cafe are posted!
32-Bit Cafe Feedback & QuestionsThis is the place to discuss the 32-Bit Cafe, its organisation, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Community ProjectsThis is the place where the 32-Bit Cafe community comes together to collaborate or give feedback on projects. These can either be projects you start solo or projects you want to work with others on. Similarly, if you are working on something for the 32-Bit Cafe and need volunteers or contributors, this is the place to make the announcement.
Links Around the WebUse this category for sharing links across the web that you think our community might be interested in. Start a new topic by dropping a link in the topic title.
WebweavingThis is the place for anything related to web development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Accessibility. Get feedback for a project you’re working on. Found a sweet website, application or small web service related to building websites? Discuss it here.
TechnologyWhat was that, you use Arch? This is the place for anything technology related. New or old, from operating systems to gadgets, discuss it here.
Graphic DesignThis looks shopped. I can tell by some of the pixels and seeing quite a few shops in my time… This is the place for everything related to graphics, pixels, layouts, fonts and anything else related to graphic design.
Self-HostingThis is the place for anything related to self-hosting, whether on a server under your stairs, shared hosting, a VPS, or in the cloud!
ProgrammingThis is the place for anything related to programming languages outside the core web development languages.
HelpNeed to learn how to centre a
<div> ? This is the place to raise help topics! |